How can we help?
International Sales
Heidi Svarre +45 60 34 24 33
Sales Managers at Five Units
- Tina Ditte Fynbo, +45 42 36 77 00, tina@ourunits.com
Sales Manager at Plain Units
- Tina Ditte Fynbo, +45 42 36 77 00, tina@ourunits.com
Frode Strømman, Frode Kommode, +47 40 40 17 44, frode@frodekommode.no
Sales Manager at Five Units
- Emelie Edvinsson, +46 765 501827, emelie@ourunits.com
Sales Manager at Plain Units
- Erik Thordin, +46 736 777 104, erik@ourunits.com
Agentur Støckler, Gasstrasse 4e, DE-22761 Hamburg
Plain Units:
Michael Støckler michael@agenturstoeckler.de
Five Units:
Marie Støckler
The Netherlands
Sales agent for Five Units
Dunya van der Zeijden, Zeijden Brands, +31 (0)6 140 450 67, dunya@zeijden.nl
Sales agent for Plain Units
Floor Schonk, Lexson Brands, +31 (0)6 30 139 465, floor@lexson.com
Sales agent for Five Units
Pascal Van Heghe, Fox Agency, +32 473 65 36 55, pascal@foxagency.be
Sales agent for Plain Units
Nick Laurent, Studio Fishbone, +32 499 10 25 02, nick@studiofishbone.be
B2B Shop
Place orders directly and retrieve relevant, real-time information (on delivery, availability etc.) in our B2B shop.
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Once you have been registered in our system, your account information will be processed. We will contact you shortly thereafter with full login details and account information.
Headoffice & Showroom
Ryesgade 19C, 5th floor.
DK - 2200 Copenhagen N
+45 38 41 63 33.